It's just part of life

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

This is one of a handful of times we've gotten here into a dress Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Two perfect days in a weekend! Made it to the Lyon Park festival (tiny neighborhood gathering geared towards little kids) which was nice. Saw some folks that I haven't seen in about five or six years which means their six year old is now 12. If you want make time fly just have a few of those run ins...I'm just experimenting with my mini tripod and the timer. Of course now that it's Monday the rain has taken over... Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005


We had a nice time in Georgia on St.Simons Island. I can't believe it's already been two weeks. We managed to take the camera and not take any pictures. So the beach there was very unusual - kind of clay silt, and very flat. Laurel, Francine, and I were walking around in the water at low tide about 50 feet out, in about 3 inches of water!

Had to buy a portable DVD to ensure a happy baby for the 1 hour drive from JAX. This worked out well..I'm sure it will be utilized on longer trips. May be we'll even get down to my parent's lake place someday.

One of her favorite past times Posted by Hello

This was taken just a couple of weeks ago. She's styl'n Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 05, 2005

One of four or five times I've gotten her to hang out in the stroller. Good thing it only cost us $15! Posted by Hello